

  • Create a folder/directory, (HS6), to save/download the file below.

    if your browser tries to download the files to your screen, click on the link with the other (usually right) mouse button and then choose “Save Target As…” from the resulting popup menu.
  • Download HookSelect 6.0: Hooks6.EXESave this file into the same directory (HS6) you used in step 1. Open the directory, (HS6), by using Windows Explorer, or by double-clicking the “My Computer” icon on the desktop, etc. Double-click on hooks6.exe to extract the installation files. Then double-click on HSSetup to begin installation. Note that the default values suggested during installation are suitable for most installations.Once installation has been completed successfully, the file downloaded in step 2 may be deleted. This file is not necessary for the operation of HookSelect.