To update your current installation, follow these steps:
- With HookSelect CLOSED, download the update package to the C:\hs6 folder on your local machine.
Download: HS6Data.EXE - Open the C:\hs6 folder by using Windows Explorer, or by double-clicking the “My Computer” icon on the desktop.
- Double-click on the update package (HS6Data.EXE) to extract the update files. If you are asked to overwrite files, choose “Y” for yes.
- Double-click on (Hookdata.exe) to begin the installation of the updated data. Note that the default values are the locations your HookSelect 6.0 has as its current settings.
Once installation is complete you will see a message that your “HookSelect data files have been sucessfully updated.” If you need assistance – just call us at 404-835-0205. We’re happy to help!